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First Missionary
Baptist Church
of Redlands
Who are we?
We are a group of saved and baptized believers who have been called together by Jesus Christ to bring praise to him through service in the church and by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere.

Charter member, Sis. Lois Green, was not present for the original photograph.
She was a member of the church from September 7, 1941 until December 9, 2003, when she went home to be with the Lord.
First Missionary Baptist Church (FMBC) of Redlands began with a vision to see lost souls saved in the area of Redlands. FMBC was organized on August 31, 1941. Today, this church still stands for the fundamental teachings of the Bible. It is our prayer that we continue to "earnestly contend for the faith" and carry out the Great Commission as given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20.
​August 31, 2021 marked 80 years of service to our Lord as a lighthouse of the truth in the Redlands community.

The charter members of the First Missionary Baptist Church of Redlands(From left to right): Minnie Jones, Etta Thurmond, Pastor Elvis Thurmond, Deacon Thomas Clark, and Louis T., Katie and Henry Huffstutler.​
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